Roberto Giustetto


He is Professor in Applied Mineralogy at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin.

His area of expertise has been addressed, since the very beginning, to the specific applications of mineral/chemical and archaeometric approaches on Cultural Heritage.

An important branch of his studies has been focused on the structural characterization of composite micro- and nano-porous hybrid materials, used in ancient times as colorizing agents and considered nowadays as an inspirational basis for the synthesis of innovative palæo-inspired nano-composites, granted by low toxicity and useable as pigments both in the Cultural Heritage and Materials Science fields.

In addition, he specialized in the research and characterization of most constituent materials related to Cultural Heritage – especially ancient pigments – as well as their degradation byproducts.

His experience brought him to handle and familiarize with several analytical techniques, such as diffractometric (X-ray and neutrons, even in large-scale facilities), spectroscopic (UV-visible-NIR, FT-IR, Raman and Solid-State NMR) and microscopic (optical microscopy in p.p.l and SEM-EDS) methods.

He is the author (and co-author) of several scientific publications on international journals.

More on Roberto Giustetto here and here.